Monday, May 24, 2010

Water Glasses

Abby has a new word! Water Glasses! we are going to the Hilton Head Island and she is hooked! I was trying to get Abby to tell Jon about going to HH and she said, Happy Head Island. I like her name for our vacation spot :) . She has decided that she has to have water glasses ( goggles ) for the beach. She has a choice of Mermaid or Princess, she told me that she wanted mermaid. She is our water girl. SO cute!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Abby simply loves popcorn. She calls it "copcorn." She and I have it as an afternoon snack everyday. Well - my little miss Abby - loves to play with the popcorn seeds. I really did not think too much about this because I thought she was doing a good job sorting. She would put her leftover seeds in her cup and get another cup and move them back and forth.
Well - the other day I put Abby up on the potty - which by the way is going TERRIFIC! We are so proud of her. Back to the story, she told me she had to blow her nose. I gave her a tissue and nothing came out. Then she stuck her finger up there - like every kid does, I said Abby - " get your fingers out of your nose" then she blew real hard and out flew a popcorn seed.
O my! so I started asking her if she had put any other popcorn seeds up there and she told me yes. But there wasn't any. It is funny,

Two Year Olds
When you want them to say no - they say yes- and when you want them to say yes - they say no.

So we had the long conversation about not putting things up our nose and how it can hurt our nose and give us a boo boo. Err - for body exploration! Cant we just breath through our skin?
On the bright side at least she is not putting popcorn seeds up Nathan's nose.

right round

I had started to have an dull pain in my ear on wednesday night. I thought okay I will try a home remedy. So when I got home I put some peroxide in both of my ears- Maw maw says don't do that - I was just thinking maybe it would help. So I GOOGLED it of course, 1part white vinegar to 1part rubbing alcohol and starting washing my ear out. The pain was errr getting worse. When I would wash it out it would get better - but now I was getting nauseated and dizzy. Oh fun! Felt like my eyes were going round and round - you know like that song right round(KEI$HA) and I really did feel like I was going to go down down. Kinda felt like I was walking sideways all day. Then I went to the Dr. and he gave me medicine. Plain and simple Ear infections stink! Abby says I have a Boo Boo in my ear and that she wants cotton in her ears like mommy. Nathan doesn't know any better - but he just sit in his jumperoo or rolls around the floor and looks at me and smiles that smile. Kids are cute like that, and they make you forget all about the bad things that you are going through.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Halfway Point

Abby is 2 1/2. If anyone would have told me how much she would learn this year I might not have believed them. In December she was saying 1-3 word sentences - now she having 10 minute long conversations. Abby has definite likes and dislikes. Some of her favorites are :

( this is how Abby pronounces these things)

  • Dora, Cailuu, Elmo, Gabba Gabba, Wiggles, and Zaboo ( Zooboomafoo)
  • Grapes, Peas, Caneelope, Watermelon, Strawberries, Dintosaur ticken Nuggets, Cheese, and ogurt
  • Gray Ground, Fwimmin Pool, friends, chalk, bubbles, color crayons, doh doh and paint.

Nathan is 6 months - wow- how time has flown by. He is sleeping through the night. Eating table food. Some of his favorites are :

  • Pears applesauce sweet potatoes carrots peas and yogurt rice cereal and oatmeal. - He is a fan of Banana Pudding - He is a man :)
Some of his favorites are his movie brainy baby, it is classical music paired with stimulating pictures - he loves this and watches it every morning after breakfast. He also likes Yo Gabba Gabba, and Wiggles, he likes to jump around to the music.

All Girl

little miss Abby found the lip gloss! there was apple strawberry banana and grape. She wanted me to put her in front of the mirror so she could see how to put it on. This was adorable.

She would get a little on her lips look at herself and pucker her lips out like she was going to kiss herself in the mirror. TOO CUTE!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Yard : Finally Coming Back Together

Last year, we had 5 acres of pine trees cut down by loggers. They took 22 tractor truck loads of pine trees from our yard. WOW!! We are two months away from it being the 1 year anniversary. I sure am proud that we have gotten our yard back to looking normal. When the loggers took all of the trees they also took all of our grass and left us with 3 HUMUNGUS debris piles. Im talking 2 that were 20 ft by 10ft another one that was about 50ft by 15ft. That is being generous. Now there is only 1 debris pile left and it is pretty small. We could not have cleaned up our yard with out the wonderful help from our generous family. Thank you SO SO VERY MUCH!!! You all are so AWESOME!!! A special woot woot to Bill, Diana, Tommy, Michael, Travis, R.W. and of course my loving and hardworkin' husband Jon.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ME: on a Diet

I am SO Lovin Dr. Oz

I needed to shed a couple of pounds from my pregnancy and Dr. Oz book You: on a Diet is helping. I checked the book out at the library, and just so I did not miss anything I rented the dvd.

I have started eating better and exercising at least 30 minutes a day. Chasing after 2 kids is definitely exercise - but I have devoted 30 minutes of my day to exercise - and just me time.

most valuable tool I have learned about loosing weight:

  1. keep your menu the same every day- that way my daily calories are the same.
  2. write down everything I put in my mouth.
  3. diet without exercise is pointless.
  4. Eating small meals - really does work as long as they are made up of whole foods. ie fruits and veggies. and no bigger than 1/2 cup.
  5. drink 48-64 ozs of water a day
My Menu Plan:

Breakfast :
1. Banana
2.Lowfat yogurt


Celery +Carrots


1.Chicken & Mushrooms
Over Linguine
Spinach Salad
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Asparagus
3.Baked Ziti
Steamed Zucchini
Dinner Rolls

Friday, May 7, 2010


Inspired by Miranda Lambert... The House that Built Me

I was Born in Snellville Georgia and that is where I lived in a two story house for the first 16 years of my life.

My life was pretty storybook until I was about 5, or so it seemed to me. A few bumps a long the way - my sister and I managed to cope and survive clinging on to one and other. We spent most of our time outside.

16 came and I moved - I did the best I could! I was finding myself and I wanted better for myself.

The house I grew up in truly changed me-it built me into a better person.

Now, I am married to a wonderful man, have two adorable kids. I am enjoying life more than ever. I am almost grateful for some of the hardship I went through growing up because on some level I can relate to other people. It made me strong, and it showed me what I really want out of life.

Jon and I are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary this week! YAY! we have been together 5 years now. Wow time fly's when you're having fun. When I was working at Lowes Home Improvement I had my nose to the grindstone, I was working and going to school. I really was not interested in finding someone to date. God had another plan for me. Jon and I met for coffee at Borders one day after work and we started dating after that. Now we have a beautiful family and finally I will be completing school this year. I have to laugh at things sometimes - because I had all of this planned out and everytime I went back to school - we had a baby on the way. Just when you think that you are in control of your life, God has a funny was of letting you know - he is the Creator- and he is always in control.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Boogers Mommy

this weekend we went to chattanooga to see my cousin chris in :Jack in the Beanstalk:. Before the show had started Abby was dancing around and being silly. Then she did it... yup... stuck her finger up her nose. I tried to get her attention, and it worked she looked right at me and said, "BOOGERS BOOGERS BOOGERS MOMMY!!" all I could do was laugh. There was nothing else to do but laugh.